chef andrea burgener, south african by birth, english and german by background, can usually be found in the trenches of her joburg restaurant, the leopard. she s known for her playful menus but loathes culinary fashion. she strives for a locally grounded cuisine. today, however, she s my guide through this twilight zone. it s weird here. and though i m told the place usually reflects the changing demographic of modern south africa, today, not so much. the customers may or may not have feelings about the afrikaner memorabilia. really they just come for the meat. you pick your meat at the butcher counter. we choose some t-bone, rum steak spicy sausage made from beef and pork. our secret ingredient is monkey gland sauce. do you know what that is?
usually be found in the trenches of her joburg restaurant, the leopard. she s known for her playful menus but loathes culinary fashion. she strives for a locally grounded cuisine. today, however, she s my guide through this twilight zone. it s weird here. and though i m told the place usually reflects the changing demographic of modern south africa, today, not so much. the customers may or may not have feelings about the afrikaner memorabilia. really they just come for the meat. choose t-bone, rum steak. spicy sausage made from beef and pork. our secret ingredient is monkey gland sauce. do you know what that is? monkey gland sauce? every steak house has monkey gland sauce.
usually be found in the trenches of her joburg restaurant, the leopard. she s known for her playful menus but loathes culinary fashion. she strives for a locally grounded cuisine. today, however, she s my guide through this twilight zone. it s weird here. and though i m told the place usually reflects the changing demographic of modern south africa, today, not so much. the customers may or may not have feelings about the afrikaner memorabilia. really they just come for the meat. choose t-bone, rum steak. spicy sausage made from beef and pork. our secret ingredient is monkey gland sauce. do you know what that is? monkey gland sauce? every steak house has monkey
chef andrea burgener, south african by birth, english and german by background, can usually be found in the trenches of her joburg restaurant, the leopard. she s known for her playful menus but loathes culinary fashion. she strives for a locally grounded cuisine. today, however, she s my guide through this twilight zone. it s weird here. and though i m told the place usually reflects the changing demographic of modern south africa, today, not so much. the customers may or may not have feelings about the afrikaner memorabilia. really they just come for the meat. choose t-bone, rum steak. spicy sausage made from beef and pork.
african by birth, english and german by background, can usually be found in the trenches of her joburg restaurant, the leopard. she s known for her playful menus but loathes culinary fashion. she strives for a locally grounded cuisine. today, however, she s my guide through this twilight zone. it s weird here. and though i m told the place usually reflects the changing demographic of modern south africa, today, not so much. the customers may or may not have feelings about the afrikaner memorabilia. really they just come for the meat. choose t-bone, rum steak. spicy sausage made from beef and pork. our secret ingredient is monkey gland sauce.