The actor talks tackling Lucien Lelong in Apple TV+'s new French-fashion drama, strangers asking whether he's been told he looks like John Malkovich, and more
way from the horrors of the killing fields. its capital, once emptied in the name of revolutionary purity, is today much like any other prosperous asian city. it s all happened under the strong arm rule of this man, hun sen prime minister for almost four decades, only now reluctantly handing the baton to his son. it s a shaky inheritance, though. with all this impressive growth, there s still eye popping inequality and lots of corruption. but in a one party state, there aren t many safe ways to criticise. she sings this woman does it through her songs. choosing domestic violence, poverty, and environmental distraction as her concerns ones shared by many younger cambodians.
As he prepares to hand over power to his son after 38 years in power, veteran Cambodian leader Hun Sen, has come a long way since his early days as a Khmer Rouge fighter.
after all, it bitterly opposed america s entry into world war ii, after pearl harbor. even after the war, many republicans opposed nato and america s engagement with the world even though there s strong anti-communists and then claiming to want to focus on china. dwight eisenhower offered not to run against robert taft, the leading republican of his day, if taft would just endorse nato. taft refused. so eisenhower ran to preserve america s engagement with the world. and the international peace and stability that had brought. alas, there is no eisenhower to redirect the republican party today. and the stakes are as high as they were in 1952, if not higher. as we look around the world and the dangers to the international order, the single biggest risk may not may lie not in the killing fields of ukraine or
of people, he knows the theft of land and resources, the denial of basic dignity from people unable to travel. and actually the killing fields around these settlements, the settler violence. to claim there is a controlled palestinian situation, it is of resistance and survival. people have the right to protect themselves, their properties and their families, themselves, their properties and theirfamilies, to themselves, their properties and their families, to seek and consult international law about the right of people to resist israeli imposed illegalities. really, this has been going on for a long time. words can kill more than bullets sometimes. we need to get it right. thejenin refugee camp, gaza, hebron, all of these areas are under full military occupation. and israel is not protecting itself. let me say this sentence, israel is not protecting itself, there is nothing happening in israel. israel is protecting its expansion, its colonialism. the