Adah Sharma s blockbuster film The Kerala Story is based on the lives of three Hindu women in Kerala who are forced to convert to Islam and join the terrorist organisation ISIS.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui has opened up about the ban on Vipul Amrutlal Shah-directed The Kerala Story faced and stated that the film should unite people and not divide people.
Adah Sharma shared that she saw the video of people going from West Bengal to Assam to watch The Kerala Story in the theatre. The film isn t screening in the former state even after Supreme Court paused the ban imposed by the Mamata Banerjee government.
Sonia Balani reacts to The Kerala Story being called Islamophobic. Sonia Balani says The Kerala Story is not against any community. Sonia Balani says The Kerala Story is against ISIS and terrorism. Sonia Balani says The Kerala Story is inspired by real incidents. aaa