/PRNewswire/ The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is planning to convert the Hawthorn Suites Hotel, located at 1628 Webster Street, into.
/PRNewswire/ The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) has received $20.6 million dollars from the State of California Department of Housing and.
/PRNewswire/ The California Department of Housing and Community Development held a competitive "Notice of Funding Availability" in July 2021 to provide $57.
/PRNewswire/ The California Department of Housing and Community Development held a competitive "Notice of Funding Availability" in July 2021 to provide $57.
/PRNewswire/ The housing application for Rosefield Village will become available starting at 8am on January 17th and will close at 5pm on February 7th. The.