ultimately, this is a small thing. anti-semitism is sinister. anti-semitism is meant to injure and to hurt and to separate jews as the other. there s maliciousness to anti-semitism. this is not that. this is a prosthetic nose that is a little bit big, okay, maybe it is. but bradley cooper doesn t look anything like leonard bernstein, and seeing this, it makes me think that he does look like him. i think that it s makeup. people play people who they don t resemble all the time. rami malek doesn t look anything like freddie mercury, for instance, but he put the teeth in, suddenly he wins an oscar. yeah, i mean, you brought up rami malek, who you can see there on the screen, made himself to look like freddie mer mercury. nicole kidman in the movie the hours played virginia woolf. virginia woolf, yeah. and i don t even know how many prosthetics she had,
“Pretty much everyone was nervous about the nose the idea of sabotaging Nicole’s beauty.” Three A-list actresses, two of the most volatile men in Hollywood, and the awards campaign that defined the 2000s and it all was overpowered by “the nose.” https://t.co/7NE7CQCeGP VANITY FAIR…
Facing tepid ticket sales, the company will withdraw up to $30 million from its endowment and stage more operas by living composers, which have been outselling the classics.
While creating the costumes for a new opera adaptation of “The Hours,” a designer found inspiration in archival wallpaper, an English farmhouse and 1990s Calvin Klein.