Reports are coming in that a certain vile creature with termites in his smile has been spotted around Casper. It's not the first time he's dared to show his his sly grin either, but this time he has a poor, defenseless dog with him.
After a day or two of rest after months of preparation and the big night on Saturday, the Casper Chamber of Commerce has announced a variety of winners for their float contest from the Downtown Casper Christmas Parade.
After a day or two of rest after months of preparation and the big night on Saturday, the Casper Chamber of Commerce has announced a variety of winners for their float contest from the Downtown Casper Christmas Parade.
After a day or two of rest after months of preparation and the big night on Saturday, the Casper Chamber of Commerce has announced a variety of winners for their float contest from the Downtown Casper Christmas Parade.
thanksgiving is next. the fourth of july is next. it s coming. reporter: so happy holidays maybe? brian stelter, cnn, new york. very interesting. remember, now let s just take you back in time. last year postmaster general, right? you remember? louis dejoy, issues with the post office. people weren t getting their gifts on time. what did the fox propaganda network say about that? did they call the former president who was in power at the time the grinch who stole christmas since it was his appointee who screwed it up? just asking. it s just a question. just asking. brian stelter, thank you very much. here s our breaking news tonight. former president bill clinton hospitalized. he s in the icu but on the mend. we ve got the latest right after this.