the crime and her former boss knox, has been for years in prison for the murder wrongly of work conviction was overturned. the slander charge, though remained today, she was sentenced to three years in prison for that crime, but she will not be going back to serve any of it because of the four-year she already served. thanks so much to all of you for being with us. anderson starts now tonight, on 360 big legal breaks for the former president, two of his three remaining trials get pushed back further one indefinitely. also tonight, why trump s about to lose the privilege of karen, the guns he s had a permit to carry for years. and later, marking 80 years since the d-day invasion with some of the last surviving veterans of the operation that turned the tide of world war ii. good evening. thanks for joining us and how difference in ideas from just a few days ago when a new york jury convicted the former president on 34 felony counts. six days later, other than all charges
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