that are in districts that are donald trump s base. they will be determined by swing districts, districts that hillary clinton won in states that donald trump won. i think there are a lot of republicans daca is universally popular. democrats believe they are politically on the right side of this issue, and that s why you have a lot of republicans who want to get something done, but they re being held hostage by the freedom caucus. dana: it s only monday. is it only monday? dana: a lot can happen between now and then. leon and marie, thank you for joining me. the numbers are in for the holiday shopping season. so, how did retailers do? we re gonna tell you about their late christmas gift. plus, the big chill in the northeast causing problems on a major waterway. rick leventhal is with the coast guard. rick, how s it going stphr reporter: dana, some big ice here on the hudson river which is being broken up by this coast guard cutter. one of the reasons why, you can see this shi
criminal investigation that s taking place. that is against everything this country stands for, which is a country of laws. i think you re referring to others from the so-called freedom forum, rather, the freedom caucus and the house, republican caucus, calling for jeff sessions to step down. when you talk about robert mueller, one thing also comes to mind, the revelations in this new book by michael wolff about the way the president talked about women in particular, sally yates, the former acting attorney general. mike wolff writes in firing, to trump, he was just up against sally yate, who, he steamed, such a blank, expletive deleted. hope hicks, someone so close to him, the gatekeeper in the oval office, trump, who otherwise according to michael wolff s
in power to the majority power. there s almost a triangle. these are the things they re discussing behind the scenes. dpl. tim, the freedom caucus. on a day today basis, the weight of angst that paul ryan must feel from people like the guy from no coat from ohio, mark d meado meadows, the entire freedom caucca cauc caucus. how is it they ve tormented leadership for eight to ten years, this group? i think it boils down to strength in numbers. there are about three dozen, as of right now, 35 members of the freedom caucus. paul ryan can only afford to lose a certain number at any time. and nancy pelosi is loathed to have any break in her ranks to help ryan pass anything. freedom caucus members realize they hold the critical margin on anything anything the republican
mcconnell is out and many feel he should have resigned already. they get to into the mid-terms way record of accomplishments, they need to. what graham said about the republican party. let s play it. if we don t cut taxes and we don t eventually repeal and replace obamacare, then we re going to lose across the board in the house in 2018, and all of my colleagues running in primaries in 2018 are probably going to get beat. the end of mitch mcconnell as we know it. to your point, making the same point steve bannon is making, however, the problem. started with let s cut taxes. there are a number of people, particularly the tea party republicans, the freedom caucus, who like the idea of cutting taxes. what they didn t know is that this was going to come with a potential deficit increase. the white house keeps saying something like dynamic scoring, stimulate the company and greater economic growth as a result and that stuff. in the end, fiscal conservatives, to them, a bit of an anath
we would do. that s what the president is doing. that s why the american people are so frustrated. we told them we would repeal and replace and we haven t gotten that down. and you are okay with executive orders when you have pounded executive orders in the past. when this law was passed they were told nine different false statements, they were lied to by the argument tech jonathan gruber. i will give better insurance, better health care. in real similar terms, let s keep our word. let s do what we said. that s what the president is focused on, the freedom caucus is focused on. . you are saying sometimes it s okay. no. he should do it consistent with the constitution. that is what the court said relative to the csr. that litigation is not over.