the broar economy and seeing that maybe there s a different set of rules for wall street than there is fo me on main street. and i think that we can t allow we can t go back to a time in which wall street was writing the rules, big companies were writing the rules, and middle class in this country were watching their paychecks get smaller and smaller. let s talk about the prident s vacation. he s in martha s vineyard with his family. his advisers and you among them say the americans should not begrudge this president time off with his family. generally speaking, that may be true. is there something about this moment in time? the dow is off 15%. unemployment persists. the world economy is on the brink. many economists think we re in real danger of a double dip recession. don t the american people expect him to maybe skip the trip and be working? savannah, you ve covered this president in the white house and you ve coved him on the road and when he takes some time off to be with hi
right for us. it was made as a family. and so i i think this race can do fine without me. i to hope to be constructive in some way or another. i ll look for some supporting role. would you consider vice president as a supporting role? i think it s such a farfetched question i d never answer it. all right. governor mitch daniels of indiana, good to have you here, sir, thank you. coming up, rule one of the politics? it she economy. and the economy is in trouble. can an incumbent president win with long unemployment lies, wall street in turmoil and americans feeling increasely hopeless? plus, rick perry roars into the republican race. is the texas governor the gop s best hope for beating president obama? or is he a primary star who will fade out in a general election? our roundtable weighs in. former congressman haro ford jr. wall street journal s peggy noonan.
do. i think that s what all americans are hoping for. my own view has been that although i like all those folks, there s something to like about each one o them, that this is a more the merrier situation. that s why we have extended the nomination process. i look forward to how these candidates develop their messages. governo wait a minute. if you really felt strongly that in the current slate of candidates there was somebody who could take on president obama and win, why would you be saying the more the merrier, come one, come all, let s get more candidates in? because i back to your previous question, i would like to see the very, very best. you know, i think we know these folks have great personal qualities. i m waiting to hear their message. i personally hope that our party will speak the language of unity. we are all in this mess together. you know, the american people, as your previous interview showed, don t ed a lot of instruction from anyone about how failed these polici
may excite conservatives and hearten democrats at equal level. perry has the number one job cating record in the country at least by the numbers. why he would not be out talking abt that as opposed to making irresponsible, just silly and arguably dangerous comments about a federal official is beyond me. i read what ron said. i happen to think whoever the republicans nominate is going to be a very serious candidate. they will be taken seriouslyy the country for many reasons. the tone and substance of your questions this morng to robert, the focus of average americans minds. without a doubt, huntsman, romney probably rise to that vel. i happen to think this field is not done yet. i was on this show two months ago and republicans said, no, our field is complete. no one else is is going to get in. i happen to think that the way perry got in this race has created the path for chris christie to get in this race.
level. perry has the number one job cating record in the country at least by the numbers. why he would not be out talking abt that as opposed to making irresponsible, just silly and arguably dangerous comments about a federal official is beyond me. i read what ron said. i happen to think whoever the republicans nominate is going to be a very serious candidate. they will be taken seriouslyy the country for many reasons. the tone and substance of your questions this morng to robert, the focus of average americans minds. without a doubt, huntsman, romney probably rise to that vel. i happen to think this field is not done yet. i was on this show two months ago and republicans said, no, our field is complete. no one else is is going to get in. i happen to think that the way perry got in this race has created the path for chris christie to get in this race. romney is not as loved by the party as he would like tbe.