gilmore came from texas. there s a certain outlaw quality to his father, the whole family. i think they lean towards that. i think people that come from more of a calm life, more sedate might go towards lethal injections. i think it has a lot to do with how you look at the world irrespective of the crime you committed. your account was put in norman mailer s book, the executioner s song. when you talk about gary gilmore s execution you mention in your writing after the gunfire you could smell the gun smoke in the room. is it as vivid today as the day you witnessed the execution. there s no question the gunpowder in that contained room which had no air conditioning, no ventilation, it was an old cinder block building, cannery, just smelled for a long period of time, i was told even after i walked out. you have to remember this execution was almost conducted in military style.