coburn, thank you so much. we ll be right back. keep it right here on morning joe, live from the dubliner. [ female announcer ] imagine skin so healthy, it never gets dry again. can your moisturizer do that? [ female announcer ] dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself. that s healthy skin for life. only from aveeno.
and, of course, joe coming up at the top of the hour, a lot more on his beloved falcons and their close loss. president obama kicks off his second term with a packed agenda including everything from gun reform to immigration. the morning joe crew will be joined by a cast of thousands. a lot of nice people here in the dubliner, too. as we break down what is ahead for the white house and congress. when we come back here, we ll huddle around the water cooler where snl proves it s better than mock the news than reporting it. [ female announcer ] your smile.
just do it. for the viewers. a little guinness in the morning. it does the body good. i m here with phil and kathy bowlen. they are huge morning joe fans. they were here four years ago for the inauguration. what keeps you watching? that s loyalty. that s what i love about morning joe fans. yes. just starting the day off with willy and now you is fun. this is a family affair. this is your very handsome son patty back here. he is the main bartender here at the dubliner. now i hear this is the president s watering hole. is that true? absolutely. whether was he here last? he was here st. patrick s day. what does you drink? guinness. no irish coffee? i ll take a guinness then. you got it, lewis. look at that. there is nothing better than the taste of guinness in the
pretty good. i guess that s a california thing. we don t do that in florida. we have lots more ahead live from the dubliner. bill karins is standing by the bar. bill. i went outside. i was going to do a little weather, and all the sudden i m surrounded by ravens fans. look at this. she made a sign. ravens in the super bowl. are you joe s long lost relative? i m canadian. oh there s a scandal. thank you for making your sign. bill and jill. her name is jill. let s take a look at your forecast. sun is coming up out here today for the inauguration. along with the wonderful crowd here, about 800,000 people expected at the capitol for the inauguration. it s going to be a little chilly. it is the middle of winter. i don t even have a jacket and gloves on. we can t complain. that s come tomorrow.
play another game in two weeks. should be a fascinating super bowl. we re on the other side of the bar from the show. this is your name? corek. mika and joe, if you d like a drink, he s going to help me learn how to bartend. any requests? i ll take a shot of vodka. mika is doing a shot. let s hear it for mika! i ll have some sweet tea. bill, thank you so much. coming up next the washington post s eugene robinson. you re watching morning joe live from the dubliner. we ll be right back.