As Leader Of The Labour Party which is entitled to. This is probably a clerical error. How much does he get . £40,000, and that should be declared. No one is suggesting he is dodging anything, but this is a political case of shooting yourself in the foot. It was a stunt too embarrassed the government but instead it has embarrassed him. People Sayjeremy Corbyn is always attacked by the media, and maybe they have a good point, but when they have a good point, but when they said that he has not declared his own income properly in this tax return, that is outrageous. It is notjust a piece of paper where he has missed something off, this is his actual tax return. 0h right, has missed something off, this is his actualtax return. 0h right, we get into trouble if we do that. Exactly. He has been taxed at source for that money and he did take it, but he did not put that on his declaration. That is an oversight, but someone should have checked his tax return before it went out. There has been i
As Leader Of The Labour Party which is entitled to. This is probably a clerical error. How much does he get . £40,000, and that should be declared. No one is suggesting he is dodging anything, but this is a political case of shooting yourself in the foot. It was a stunt too embarrassed the government but instead it has embarrassed him. People Sayjeremy Corbyn is always attacked by the media, and maybe they have a good point, but when they have a good point, but when they said that he has not declared his own income properly in this tax return, that is outrageous. It is notjust a piece of paper where he has missed something off, this is his actual tax return. 0h right, has missed something off, this is his actualtax return. 0h right, we get into trouble if we do that. Exactly. He has been taxed at source for that money and he did take it, but he did not put that on his declaration. That is an oversight, but someone should have checked his tax return before it went out. There has been i
Com plete did that happen . No, it was the complete opposite the Campaign Urges people to open up to a friend or colleague; well speak to people whove done exactly that. And, as new guidelines on sugar in food are published well talk to Industry Insiders about how manufacturers are juggling the pressure to make products more healthy without losing sales. Hello, welcome to the programme, were live until 11 this morning. Tell us what you think of this. Imagine you finally get a statue, and it looks like that its a new statue of Cristiano Ronaldo which has been unveiled on the portuguese island of madeira. Hes putting a brave face on it, but if you were him, would you be happy . His fans on social media have been less than complimentary do get in touch on all the stories were talking about this morning use the Hashtag Victoria Live and if you text, you will be charged at the Standard Network rate. According to the duke and Duchess Of Cambridge, and prince harry, they believe we are at a T
A show featuring parodies of current events, commentary on significant issues and interviews with newsmakers, culture critics and media personalities. And world peace. What is not to love . Does matter to me. Trumps love life is not on my list. But now i realize that it matters. For example, right now in north korea their dismantling rockets sites. Why . Obviously because trump may have slept around. [laughter] the europeans just stopped skimming us with tariffs but according to cnn before that trump may have slept around. [laughter] the gdp for this quarter just hit 4. 1 and to celebrate us steel reopened a plant in illinois but according to sources before that happened, trump slept around. Hes got the thousand users relations and we created an economic boom but trump slept around. Wait a second, i sense a trend here. What experts call a correlation, here are these amazing achievements and right before them trump had sexual relations. Lets welcome tonight guests. Like a man who steals
God bless all of you. Thank you for watching. Im advocating for truth, justice and the american way. Im jeanine pierrot signing off, greg gutfeld is next. See you next saturday. Man walks into a pet store and sees as a sign, talking parrot and buys if it comes back and says he doesnt talk. Dices what letter . Tour owner says sorry, the letter is 10. Another week and no talking and back to the store. He did not climb the ladder and look in the mirror and talk, another purchase. There becomes a guy comes back to the store and the owner says the parent is dead but before he died he spoke in the store owner says what did he say. Though they sell any birdseed at that store you. Greg will be appearing at the Comedy Cellar all week. [cheering and applause]
about. This tape shows how the sausage is made. Im hearing to criminal coconspirators conspiring on making a payment. The president of the United States to try to tell you what you are seeing and what you are reading but its not happening.