will go to just destroy his reputation. he does not care. well, he s shameful. it s just he and pompeo and a few others, i mean, they re acting like seb gorka. if that s how they want their children and grandchildren to remember them, then there s not much of a line between gorka and donald trump s latest attorney general. no, that s not a compliment. no. not even a joke. well, what s so fascinating is that it s they already they have already collected this information. and they collected it and the commerce department wanted it to be collected too. the federal government has been doing this for several times. the commerce department ordered they do it again, so again, the president is just covering himself. i want to say though that i m
donny think, but this book seems too little, too late. we need leaders to step up in realtime. they should be able to do things at once. they should be able to make critiques when they are quite frankly the obvious response to someone s actions and they should be able to try and work together as well. donny, you talked about this an awful lot. paul ryan was the third highest ranking leader in america. what are your thoughts about his comments? he was the hope. he was the biggest disappointment because he was in a position even if short term it had cost him, you said this many times, donald trump s history will show that people are tarnished by the toxicity of him and anybody who would have stood up to him and i think ryan was the one guy who could have done. even at that time it took him down, it would have set him up to be one of the great leaders of our country to go forward. he would have been the guy to say i told you so. he had the gravitas, he had the position and the credi
politicsnation, president of the national action network, reverend al sharpton and former director of strategic communications for hillary clinton s presidential campaign, adrienne elrod. she is an msnbc contributor. national security expert columnist at usa today and author of the book the death of expertise tom nichols. you he does not need the tanning beds like donny deutsch. it s tanning spray. i m having a mental image all over again. let s talk about the mosquito thing. like mosquitos and flies and donald trump. they re drawn to him. he s a real germophobe. but man, it s the mosquito the mosquito clip of 2016 is
frustrations with the president and his lack of understanding of how government works and also his comportment, his personal behavior was frustrating for their agenda and paul ryan he inherited this caucus. he was the only person who could wrangle it. nobody could unite it when boehner retired and he ran against his signature policy issues. he ran on support for example the the mandate, the individual mandate to purchase health insurance. he ran against cuts in social security and medicare and balancing the budget. that is paul ryan s course and mission in government and when he was elected paul ryan was deflated. he had to manage and guide the president in a party he had lost control of even though he was the speaker of the house. you read tim s book, it s not just paul ryan by the way in the campaign during the access weekend, there s a report about how disgusted republicans were. you take the snapshot of the way
first of all, what happened there with seb gorka? well, they cut the live stream and kicked everyone out. and of course that s when the interesting and newsworthy parts of the conversation happened. i spoke to three people who were in the room and they told me that the most interesting in terms of newsworthy exchange happened after that when one of the people in the audience said to the president, you know, as conservatives we this is a paraphrase we worry sometimes about regulation of these companies. you seem to be hinting at that. do you think if we just pile lots of pressure on facebook and google and twitter they ll self-correct and the president said i don t trust them to self-correct. and he also continually praised josh, who was understood to be josh halle for the bill he s working on. this is a bill that would strip social media companies like google and facebook of their legal immunity for user generated content. this is really important because this is this is the sh