1973, bobby riggs beats u.s. open champchampion, margaret co in an exhibition match. the cover of sports illustrated gloats never bet against this man with his picture. bi billie jean king wants to take that bet. the battle of the sexes to take place at the houston astrodome, the most famous construction since the pyramids. 90 million people in 37 countries around the world tune in to watch that. and in a career where billie jean king would win 140 career titles, 39 grand slams, a career that would also see her get presidential medal of freedom, where billie jean king is remembered for most is how she changed the american landscape for women 40 years ago this week. mrs. king trounced riggs in three straight sets last night, it wasn t much of a contest. riggs had said over and over he would psych out mrs. king, but mrs. king ran her 55-year-old
ways, to laugh when he would say absurd things, and then to go and beat his butt. and that s what she did. so, susan, in 1973, billie jean king is 30 years old, she s a very accomplished tennis player, but tell us who is billie jean king in 1973, what does america see, who is she? they re seeing her mainly as a tennis player. she s also a tennis player who embraced and linked her career with the women s movement. i think what we need to remember is that in the early 1970s, the women s movement was a topic of great conversation and confusion for a lot of americans. and what is so interesting about her is that she s able to link her desire to be the number one tennis player and to improve things for women s professional tennis with her own career. and people really are seeing her on the tennis court, but they re also seeing her against a backdrop of this new social movement called feminism which is just sweeping the country. she so bobby riggs wins the the first battle of the
the federal government that won t work, will cost us and is not anywhere that i can find in the constitution. last word, tracy. i mean, i don t know. maybe they should start charging teenagers a tax because then you could fund just about everything in the worldwide. charge them per text. that s a good idea. thanks, guys. thank you, steve, for joining us. we appreciate it. my pleasure. up next let me buy you these drinks. i feel bad about today. thanks. well, those days may be over. more than 6 0% of men saying they expect women to pay their share on dates. is that fair? the battle of the sexes up next. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that. well, did you know some owls aren t that wise? don t forget i m having brunch with meghan tomorrow.
lot has to pass and social acceptance and social morals don t change for quite a wild after law is passed. john: we will talk about this next. the battle of the sexes. is there something in the brain that make boys and girls do something like this? girls cared more about playing with each other, talking, cooperating.
law has to pass and social acceptance don t change for quite a while after the law is passed. stick around. you ll have a chance to take questions from the audience next. i look forward to it. as we consider the battle of the sexes, does something in boy s and girl s brain make them do things like this? the girls cared more about playing with each other, talking, cooperating. you can be the princess. coo. .