grandfather knocked to the ground. wait until you hear what else happened. keeping up momentum, gingrich leading the g.o.p. in the polls. will it last? we will ask our pollster. if you smoke should you have to shell out more for health insurance benefits? some say that is discrimination. no butts about it, a fair and balanced debate. send us your tweets and e-mails. fox & friends hour two starts right now. saturday, in the park alisyn: everyone knows the band chicago. you know this song and the band. clayton: they have a new christmas album and we managed to fit the entire eight piece band in our studio. dave: i had no idea, with
nano from apple with a new watch face so it is small, and it has different watch choices, so you can choose what you want and another company decided, we are going to make a watch band because people want to wear then on the wrist so the company has made a wrist watch to wear your ipad nano on the want. my son lives this and points to the want so he can see mickey on the watch. you can choose from digital faces and you have thousands of songs. alisyn: is it just for men? dave: no, not at all. just the band. a couple of different choices. clayton: if you want to stream your music using the new technology from apple so you have an iphone, an ipad, and ipod touch, you can stream your music to the new
christmas tree and our channel is chicago the band one. how do you have longevity as a band? so many, we think of the beatles together for, what, seven years, and you think of thai high to the end in 1970 and you have been doing it for so long. do you get tired? we dopes we have done it for 44 straight years a way life and we will do it before we get it right. and may we never. clayton: what is it like to be with the guys? i have been here 26 years and always thank them for eninviting me in. clayton: do you see a generational shift? i went to a sting concert you see the older ought yen. last couple of areas we have played all over the world and it is the same, we see not too many of our original audience, but, their off spring and, also, i