and it s very, very misplacedy given the state that the country is in right you mentioned race and gender ideology. that we are a country that internally can t agree whye the american revolution was launched. we can t agree aboutag what man and woman are and thenan more kind of materially speaking, we re a countryte that s facing a fentanyl crisis, a huge border crisis, declining life expectancy for working class people whichin ise unheard of in the rest of the developed world. and so in the facel of all this kind of externally focused agenda which is partly military but partly all these ngos national endowment for democracy, freedom house, it s sometimes surreal among their email lists you get an alert saying, you know,mo o gay rights in lgbt rightshi in his beckstein ares under threat and you wonder, you know, stepde outside, step a outside in washington, look at the addicts at union stationt, v look at, look at or i live in new york city, look at the addicts, the mentally ill
fact national security. is that a proper assessment? it s absolutely correct. the fact that europe in particular has allowed itself to become so dependent on russian gas and russian oil, it s almost criminal, trace, that we allowed ourselves to be so anesthetized to the threat that putin has been slowly, but systematically building. for the last 20 years. then for president biden to basically short-circuit the american revolution in favor of this green revolution at a time when we just are facing so much danger from putin, from the iranians. it makes no strategic sense at all, and it is something i think that has to be a dull microburst
that the only way to deal with the corrupt government is to have a revolution against that government. that s the story of the american revolution but the problem here is that of course, our government is not corrupt, things are going fairly but donald trump ginned up enough controversy so that there is this feeling now among many of his supporters that violence may be the only way out if he s not as successful as the winner of the next election if he runs so we need to have not just a moment of calming down but we need to have the military government officials prepared for additional kinds of actions like what we saw on january 6th coming from trump supporters. wow. i think it s just worth reminding everyone look, it s an experiment, right? we re living in a democratic experiment here in america and you shouldn t take that for granted. richard haassen, thank you very
it s a done deal. but we re going to want to look back not just at the final days of afghanistan, but at the whole sweep of the war, the 20 years. the decisions that were made. and i would say from a military perspective we want to focus on the decision to create an afghan armed forces that looks so much like the u.s. armed forces. dependent on enablers, needing medevac, needing exquisite intelligence. when we pulled those things away the taliban were able to overwhelm the afghans and frankly if you think about it in the context of the american revolution, we built an army of red coats, we should have built more minutemen. we should have built a force that looked more like the taliban, i think we would have had a better chance. we need to understand why we made those decisions. i was certainly part of that as a senior military officer, commanding the nato mission
get 1000 years though but we are loading up and working on lee, and benjamin franklin and some of the scary conversations you are having with don bill a second ago are echoed in our film that we are editing, starting tomorrow. not starting the editing, but continuing it on the u.s., the, holocaust what we, did what we didn t, do what we knew, and what we didn t know, what we should have done, all those horrible questions. history of the american revolution and a big thing for the 258. first non-american topic on leonardo da vinci. we are doing the history of emancipation exodus for african american life. reconstruction of what proceeded it and what followed it. lbj and the great society has watched voting rights and other acts of that legislative accomplishments become undone. and it is not enough time to do them all. they are all in the president,