would not date a virgin. i think i completely understand but you re the guest. so why don t you explain to america why so many people and women in particular are like, no, virgin. i think it s easier to explain why women don t want a virgin. they want a man with experience and why hasn t one girl gotten him in to bed. but i think it s more curious to me that 33% of men do not will not date a virgin. and that, you know, that once again, 5,000 for 5,000 years, virginity at marriage was a core value in the western tradition, and to have this change so dramatically, it s to me a sea change. it is the one single statistic out of hundreds of thousands of pieces of data on this match.com study that really talks about a sea change in what the you re looking for. i don t know. we want experience, too, doctor. i m a little unsettled by that. one thing that was pleasantly
prosperity. our economy right now is headed in the right direction. and it will stay that way as long as there aren t anymore self-inflicted wounds. that was president obama this afternoon calling on congress to delay automatic defense and spending cuts that go in to effect in three weeks. talking $85 billion this year alone. more than a trillion dollars over the next decade. the president warned of a major hit to jobs and economy on march 1st if washington doesn t act. republicans quick to pounce ahead of the planned speech. don t look now, america, but your president is proposing another short-term fix for the economy and the spending problem. joining us now in the guest spot is msnbc contributor howard fineman. howard, so in the president s statement today he revived basically the broad framework for about the 47,000th time called the grand bargain and offered up basically in the summer of 2011 and the run-up to
are, what the decision what the tree looks like to make the decisions and the american public don t have a chance to weigh in on what are we comfortable with, what s in the national security interest and the traditions of our country? the american public congress doesn t even get to weigh in on this. that s exactly right. the other piece that s important in the bigger picture is. we don t know what broader impact this strategy has on sentiment towards americans abroad. how do people in yemen feel about this policy? how does that is it used as an effective al qaeda recruiting tool? we don t know the answer to those questions either. that s where my issue comes in with the lack of transparency. let s not do things because we might radicalize people. that was an argument under bush. when we say this person is leading al qaeda to do things when you join al qaeda you re kind of what you re setting up is a straw man.
in to the united states senate. the 112th senate gained the dubious distinction as being the least productive ever. how confident are you the 113th members have seen those numbers and they re going to be more productive? well, listen, i don t know that i m confident about that because watching this place at work over the last month and a half suggests that lessons haven t been learned. i come from connecticut, which didn t have the devastation that new york and new jersey did with sandy, but we need that money. we need to start rebuilding our communities. and the fact that the house of representatives adjourned without getting that work done shows that the lessons haven t been learned. i think we can start off on the right foot. let s get that sandy relief done this week, let s get to work on the next act of budget negotiations now rather than at the 11th hour and we can prove to people that we have learned lessons. but i tell you, i don t have a lot of confidence and a lot of peop
summer in new york state has something different for everyone to love. discover what you love. visit ilovenewyork.com to plan your summer trip now. oh, my god, you re so fat. look at all this blubber here. if you don t have something nice to say, don t say anything at all. shut the [ bleep ] up. probably misses her box of twinkies. that was from a video posted online showing seventh graders in new york bullying a 68-year-old school bus monitor. the video has gotten nearly four million hits. it has prompted outrage and outpouring of support and at least one serious question. does cruelty know no bounds? eric, we were talking about this during the break. there are a lot of things to