the people in this country it has to be preserved. i does have significant savings in the first 10 years because the president is making structural adjustments on the provider and ben area sigh. bigger savings in the 10 years after. the president s approach is not to try and turn medicare into a voucher program. stick the average senior with a $6,000 bill to give huge tax cuts to billionaires which is what the other part wants. we want to preserve this program. we have to make tough decisions. we can preserve that program and relieve pressure on the,p federal deficit at the same time. chris: the super committee has to come up with 1.2 trillion in cuts. reduction to the deficit either by tax increases or budget cuts by thanksgiving. the president part of his thing is limit deductions to the wealthy. that has already been rejected by a democratic congress to help pay for obamacare. this idea of letting the bush
these guys try. christie, i ve said this before and i said it to him. he would be a big man for a big job. stop mocking him. i have to defend you. it sounds like you are rational not doing what the candidates tend to do, which is throw red meat to the tea party. herman cain, i saw cain, cain has an upbeat message. he s not demagoguing immigration. herman cain has a bold economic message. it may not be worked out as much as it could be. why is he attractive? he says scrap the tax code. fundamental reforms. he s the only one talking on the scale appropriate to the time. chris: when we come back, the president calls for more jobs and less debt while congress remains gridlocked on just about everything.
every middle class worker, put people back on-the-job. the situation could not be more urgent. that s the tax of the congress right now. chris: is he willing to go back to a grand bargain with boehner? revenue increases and deeper cuts in entitlements? the president laid out his view of what is the right way to put the country s fiscal house in order. to live within your means and still invest in education, research and technology. obviously, the president going to watch what happens in the super committee carefully. get close to a grand bargain john boehner. chris: are you willing to go back there? we are willing to evaluate any sound proposal. i will make this point. basically you are at a upon where roughly 30 tea party members of congress, are
the people in this country it has to be preserved. i does have significant savings in the first 10 years because the president is making structural adjustments on the provider and ben area sigh. bigger savings in the 10 years after. the president s approach is not to try and turn medicare into a voucher program. stick the average senior with a $6,000 bill to give huge tax cuts to billionaires which is what the other part wants. we want to preserve this program. we have to make tough decisions. we can preserve that program and relieve pressure on the,p federal deficit at the same time. chris: the super committee has to come up with 1.2 trillion in cuts. reduction to the deficit either by tax increases or budget cuts by thanksgiving. the president part of his thing is limit deductions to the wealthy. that has already been rejected by a democratic congress to help pay for obamacare. this idea of letting the bush
theepublican leadership is putting their demand as head of the needs of 300 million americans. that has to stop. we are not going to make progress on our deficit, on things we can do for jobs, tax cuts, unless those 30, 40 tea party members of the republican house stop being the focal point of our discussions. chris: you are saying they are holding congress and the government hostage? i think what they are doing is you can see any number of things that will get support that the president would sign, 1 five 150, 160 house republicans, how do we keep those tea party members happy? the country is tired of it. we are not going to move forward as a country unless we do so in a bipartisan way. chris: three issues this week the chairman of the join chiefs admiral mullen made an astonishing statement that pakistani, intelligence supported the insurgents who