The Amazing Race finale: "Brothers" Greg Franklin and John Franklin win Season 35. The Amazing Race crowned "Brothers" Greg Franklin and John Franklin the winners of Season 35 during the finale episode that aired Wednesday night on CBS.
The Amazing Race eliminates "Mother and Daughter" Elizabeth Rivera and Iliana Rivera. The Amazing Race eliminated "Mother and Daughter" Elizabeth Rivera and Iliana Rivera in Thailand during the Season 35 episode that aired Wednesday night on CBS.
The Amazing Race premieres with "Siblings" Alexandra Lichtor and Sheridan Lichtor ousted in first leg. The Amazing Race eliminated "Siblings" Alexandra Lichtor and Sheridan Lichtor in Thailand during the show s Season 25 premiere that aired Wednesday night on CBS.
The Amazing Race Finale: Big Brother couple Derek Xiao and Claire Rehfuss win Season 34. The Amazing Race featured Big Brother couple Derek Xiao and Claire Rehfuss crossing the finish line in first place and winning $1 million during the Season 34 finale that aired Wednesday night on CBS.
The Amazing Race cuts "Ballroom Dancers" Aubrey Ares and David Hernandez, determines Final 3 teams. The Amazing Race eliminated "Ballroom Dancers" Aubrey Ares and David Hernandez in the penultimate leg after they voluntarily took a time penalty during the Season 34 episode that aired Wednesday night on CBS.