a lot of guys in suits aroundat you re looking at me, eyeballing me so you know whangt that mean, on harry potter. [laughter] mix it do it or he would walk who knew pompeo although i did overhear him talking about his hogwarts. [laughter] next month there s a new game coming out called hogwarts legacy. for all the non- dorks, dweebs,w dorks and mehon have never toucd a woman who is not a relative, the game is set in the world ofo harry potter. seems like fun but according tro the outrage you buy this game you are a bigoted monster.se for the last year transact of a seven pushing a boycott of the game over its association with author jk rowling. of course she s got nothing toao do with making the game at all. women don t know computers. [laughter] of course you will profit from that licensing rights with had certain pro- transit gruesome boiling mad.oili but they ve been that way for years. she was absent from the harry potter films 20th anniversary special. fan sites and stop
i am not done. turns me throwing aft bombs. i think i got to rise to theomeo moment brickwork somebody doesn t than another person to do all the sudden everyoneanrsos swearing. is a couple in thdon e book. they did notwi print. he is on good behavior. they [bleep] it out so let it fly. have you ever seen soua mom? going to a lot of museumsng it is dry january. i ve never been to so makein m museums in my life. it was pretty cool.ll i saw a gu ay tell a girl he wai also seeing other people in n le at the planetarium. he chose that moment. o she was upset. glad i was there forh, her,wa complete stranger in the line. that writing stuff it s a
ones would never have been made rosemary s baby or chinatown directed. d hoirw about chuck berry?an r google it if you want to findbe rrout he did but let s say john was not being good in the john. so not only arwhe the attacks rowling joke the solution iscott worse for if you are to boycott every product that could beo traced to some perceivedatic problematic stance, what would you have left? she couldn t go to movies, heul could nodnt read novels, he coud not watch tv. you just have books by dana perino.re and those things are f filthy. [applause] let s welcome tonight s gu cn guest. he can t talk to tal terrace moo because hest had the ball killed three former secretary of state authorth of the great new book never give an inch, mike pompeo. [cheering] [applause] she is the anchor with the rancor fox news anchor julie.
the books getting paperback, hardcover of this audio in it. th ie videogame, did not look my speed downloaded to them xbox.wh i am all in 1000%. why trust i don t like the books which is a normal adult womanin defending g herself and defendig feminism and being successful is not a crime. they tried to invent thesent crimes to take u ts down.oi the kids are going to keepng buying the book. b none of them are buying the book. that is thboe thing.woke how many awoke movies as you see this unit came out?en i ll see none they all faile tdl fmiserably.n de the new awoke scooby-doo the worst cartoon debut in the history of cartoons. that means a loss when the guyco took a piece of paper and went like this pretty saw the guy running. [laughter] that cartoon b e there.
it s actually good it will but long story. i would say they say not toe judge a book by its cover or its cover i would say judge all you. want when it comes to this guy.i i was working in a restaurant and he came in i would hide under the counter. do not blame people fo blar wang to run away from him. but i will say denny has a nice body. r line thise silve tattooed into his body. it wilt l be. thisis is a person who is no rit hey gary, pull back. that is true. also have no judgment on his body. it s all[l good. we haven t done a mike pence. joke on behalf of the vice v president, my friend, thanick y. when you have any classified information pretty is clas