coaching. ainsley: what do you do as a parent? we would love our kids to be enjoy a sport and be so good at something. oh my goodness. my husband and i both encouraged our kids to have fun. you never get to quit. you start something and you always finish. no matter what. brian: you told us right before around ninth grade. your son 6 3 , a freshman in high school had it but listen this is in today s denver coach from a guy named john h elway. he said sam darnold any quarterback in this draft good enough for bronchos? john elway? steve: is he saying lovely things. that s super nice. it s an honor to be in the position i am that i am in. so, with the help of my mom and dad it s been amazing so far. ainsley: we were at dinner and one of my friends has a
iran has many options. and those options are not pleasant. griff: president trump has been very critical of the iran deal signed by president obama but gave a temporary extension to it in january. now a may 12th deadline lives to remain as german chancellor angela merkel will visit washington later this week. and also plans to encourage the president to stay in the deal. now, back to the macron s visit. the president and first lady will host macrons for private dinner tonight in mt. vernon and then the official state dinner at the white house tomorrow. macron will address congress on wednesday. brian: three straight days and angela merkel closes out the week. you will seat difference in their relationship. what a great interview chris wallace did yesterday. ainsley: so good. brian: so good because no translation needed he had speaks such great english. did i not note similarity. look, i get along with the president for a few reasons. number one we both came from business. number two, n
and holding their jersey. ainsley: on thursday night usc quarterback sam donald has the chance to be the first name called in this year s draft by the cleveland browns. brian: unless they decide to let the giants take them. joining us is the top nfl prospects sam donald and his mom chris. connell: graduate legs. what is it like to know your life nay be changed in a few days. suspects surreal. i m trying to soak it all in. i know my mom is enjoying it as well and so is my dad. we are trying to soak it all. in that s what it is all about. ainsley: mom, how are you feeling? i m good. i m so proud. you know, beyond proud and i have been ever since i had him. steve: it sounds like you are the motivation though, because your son wound up playing football. your daughter wound up. she is at the university of rhode island? yeah. she is coaching there now. she played four years and now she is a grad assistant getting her masters in
john kerry for barack obama but will not vote for mike pompeo for president trump because he feels he knows better what president trump really needs as a secretary of state. which is comical. the president playing it right saying listen, he has never let me down. i hope he won t this time. i sense he is letting him this time. if it goes to the general floor vote which would be embarrassing really more for the democrats than rand paul. if it goes to a floor vote get through. heidi heitkamp saying as a democrat i will shoat for him. it s hard to believe that joe manchin and joe donnelly get six more years in their red states if they vote for mike pompeo. ainsley: goes for the floor vote need one democrat i guess she would be the one. steve: the more the merrier. ainsley: one democrat, at least the articles i have been reading. one democrat and two republicans could vote no. that would be rand paul and then john mccain is absent. brian: jeff flake too has
assumption and unhinged, absolutely. and barrelly sane, perhaps. meanwhile, let s talk about what s happening overseas that perhaps one of the biggest breakthroughs diplomatically, one of our chief enemies, one of axis of evil, north korea, over the last few weeks has given indications that they might be looking to come to the table and no longer live the life of a renegade hermit empire. i m stunned about the amount of backlash without anything done or concede you had that the president trump has received. ainsley: kim jong un announced on saturday he s going to close nuke testing site and suspend long range missile tests but says he will not be giving up his nuclear weapons. steve: here is the thing. the president has made it very clear. look, we don t know what s going to happen. we are happy that mr. kim has agreed to come to the table and start the process. but then, over the weekend, to brian s point, for instance chuck todd was talking about how, you know, kim is not giving up v