the u.s. market. but according to the fbi s confidentialex u.s human sourcee now have the document. burisma, ceo tolg to td him, qu, don t worry, hunter will take care of all those issues through his dad. now, remember, at the time, hunter s joe biden was the vice president in charge of policy, ukraine. and one of the big problems that burisma was facing stemmed from a prosecutor. we know his name viktor shokin, who was investigating the compan y and hunter for corruption. lo and behold, in early 2016, joe biden goes to ukraine. he leveraged a whopping 1 billion us tax dollars thatg o was going to be given and loan guarantees and demanded it in return forced ukraine to fire the prosecutor in 6 hours before he left. and son of a b that they fired the guy they fired within 6 hours. and guess what?