it clocks in bill one point eight , five trillion dollars over 48 i hundred pages. nclu tand you include all that.n it s a betrayal of the american people. forty seven billion more forlior ukraine, 11 billion dollars fort the fbi before we ve had ts a chance at the first witness to see what they re doing in terms of censoring speech and harassing americans. onollarshalf a billion dollars more than the biden administration asked for. four hundred million dollars. for a new fbi headquarters. you know, they have fiv the provision in there, a billion five in operatinomittg funds for the customs and border patrol is prohibited from being fr used for for security of the american border. but four hundredt mill millionof dollars for the border security of certain eastern on middr cer middle eastern countries like egypt. it s just amazinju amazing g what they vey republ done. it s a betrayal by them,and mit by republican senators mitchker mcconnell and republican senators. it s a middle fi
yeah, but wrap s is cool, according to adam kinzinger. kin yeah, there s something else going on here. so let s all stop lying for once. would be great. i appreciate your coming on ands tellining seth us t thank you. thank you. you so just for perspective, the u.s. congress is about to send billions more to ukraine in our latest one point seven trillion dollars spendingd bill , which is more than 4000oa pages long. and most people no idea what scs in, including most in congress. but north carolina congressman dan bishop actually did go through the whole thing cod tweeted about a lot, just like it was before.e you anything you ve ever seen. congressman, i appreciate cominyour doing that and comin on now. we d probably we ship three hours for this, but we don t give us the highlights. e th what what stuck in your craw in this bill ? boy, tucker, it s hard to boilts it down, but this is the wayrk washington works. this is the systems inn wa washington. it s not a departure f