The newest addition to Thanksgiving Point in Lehi will be a science and technology center, envisioned to be “a place where children will be inspired to explore science and technology in new ways,” said Brandon Fugal, co-chair of the budding initiative at Thanksgiving Point. Set to begin construction by the end of 2024, the center […]
Are you creative? Do you love graphic design? Are you passionate about Lehi City? Lehi Cares Coalition is seeking submissions for a logo design contest. Lehi City youth, grades 7-12, are encouraged to participate. The Coalition is a community change group tasked to prevent youth problems before they start. “Anyone can participate. This is not […]
Thanksgiving Point officials gathered Utah leaders in STEM Wednesday to brainstorm ideas for a new children s science and technology center it plans to build.
Community members from around the state met on Tuesday, September 26, at Thanksgiving Point’s Natural Curiosity Museum for a kickoff meeting to announce a new science and technology center for kids of all ages. Thanksgiving Point’s Board of Trustees, led by Brandon Fugal and Jeanette Bennett, authorized the new venue to expand the nonprofit’s mission […]