Thousands of people gathered at Thatchankurichi village in Tamil Nadu's Pudukottai district on Sunday to watch and participate in the first Jallikattu festival of the season, while 74 people were injured in the bull-taming sport.Hundreds of .
Thousands of people gathered at Thatchankurichi village in Tamil Nadu s Pudukottai district on Sunday to watch and participate in the first Jallikattu festival of the season, while 74 people were injured in the bull-taming sport.
Thousands of people gathered at Thatchankurichi in Gandarvakottai taluk of Tamil Nadu's Pudukottai district on Sunday to watch and participate in the first Jallikattu festival of the season, while 74 people were injured after trying to tame the .
Dr. Kalaivani Sivakumar will lead the heart restoration, mechanical circulatory support and cardiac transplant program, while Dr. Stacy Zimmerman has been named regional centers designated institutional official.