The Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute (BSRI) conducted the experiment in 15 upazilas under 14 districts across the country and the result was truly encouraging as scientists found that the climate in Bangladesh is fit for sugar beet cultivation. But, commercial cultivation of sugar beet could not take off in the country in these long years as the existing sugar mills do
Production at state-run sugar mills is set to hit its lowest point in over a decade as sugarcane processing has fallen sharply amid reduced supply, according to the Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation (BSFIC).
Sugarcane farmers suffer massive losses
Late harvest worsens quality, brings down sugar yield rate
Sugarcane is seen being tossed into a turner for processing at Joypurhat Sugar Mil. Yields were low for the current season due to a late harvest, leading to a dip in mills’ recovery rates. Collected
Sugarcane growers based in six catchment areas have suffered heavy losses this year as the total weight of the crops shrivelled because of a late harvest, bringing down sugar yield.
The sugar yield or recovery rate of most mills was below 5.20 per cent, except for the North Bengal Sugar Mills in Natore.
Two state-sugar mills begin cane crushing
Seven others to start production as per plan Star Business Report Star Business Report
Two of the nine state-run sugar mills that are still operational began crushing sugarcane on December 11.
The two mills are North Bengal Sugar Mills and Natore Sugar Mills.
The rest seven will follow suit, according to a gazette notification from the government.
The notification came after the government recently announced that six mills under the Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation (BSFIC) would remain closed until further notice as part of a move to modernise the facilities and ensure their future economic viability.