The Bahujan Samaj Party on Thursday announced its fresh list of three Lok Sabha poll candidates for Uttar Pradesh, fielding Thakur Prasad Yadav from Rae Bareli seat. The ruling BJP and the Congress are yet to declare their nominees from Rae Bareli represented by Sonia Gandhi in the outgoing Lok Sabha. The constituency will go to polls in the fifth phase of the ongoing general elections on May 20.
Hitting out at Congress for allegedly advocating inheritance tax in the country, Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati said on Thursday that it was difficult for the grand old party to free itself from its tainted legacy.
In a statement on social media X, the former chief minister of Uttar Pradesh
In Uttar Pradesh Assembly Election 2022, Sareni Assembly Constituency (AC No. 182) in Rae Bareli district goes to polls on February 23, 2022. Uttar Pradesh Election Result 2022: Sareni Assembly constituency result will be declared on March 10, 2022.