what will it take for democrats to address this horrific murder as the country grapples with the nationwide crime crisis. katie pavlich and tammy bruce will join us all of that coming up. sandra: biden administration says the sanction policy against venezuela is unchanged after the wall street journal reported the president was gearing up to ease sanctions to allow more oil pumping in that country in an effort to bring prices down here at home. trace, a big hello to you. great to see you. hello, everyone, trace gallagher in for john roberts. a spokesperson for the national security council making the statement, follows opec announcing plans to reduce oil output by 2 million barrels a day. experts say the move will likely lead to higher prices at the pump here at home. sandra: and we are already seeing the prices on the rise yet again. the president now between a rock and a hard place on the heels of that decision as he tries to appease the far left wing of his party whi
opec. hopefully we get some clearance on venezuela, and the wall street journal reporting otherwise, we ll see what we learn in the hours to come. trace: an awful story, at least 35 are dead, including 24 children following a mass shooting and knife attack at a thailand daycare center. the incident happening about 300 miles northeast of the capital of bangkok. the suspect, a former police officer, left the scene after the deadly attack. they say he fired a gun from his car as he drove home where he killed his wife and child before taking his own life. the mass shooting is the deadliest in thailand s history. sandra: and on to president biden s visit today at an ibm plant north of new york city, in poughkeepsie, new york, and a