In Bengaluru’s cosmopolitan ambience, residents from diverse communities share their unique festival plans. C Sreenivas, from Defence Colony, details the Telugu community’s celebration, stating, “We celebrated the Bhogi festival on Sunday and are gearing up for Sankranthi on Monday. The day involves wearing new clothes, offering prayers, and sharing sweets with the family. The third day, ‘Kanuma Panduga,’ witnesses vibrant rangoli decorations. Various cultural performances and processions add to the festive charm.”
Pongal 2024 Date: The festival is celebrated by the Tamil community across the globe in mid-January every year. It also coincides with other harvest festivals across the country, including Makar Sankranti and Bihu.
Makar Sankranti is celebrated as Pongal in southern states, especially in Tamil Nadu. Homes come alive with cheerful kolams, showcasing traditional harvest designs and signaling the upcoming festivities.
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak sent a "huge thank you" to British Tamils in a message released to mark Thai Pongal today, stating the community has made an "amazing contribution" to the country.