group, between racial and ethnic oups. this is the great divider in chief. and it s very difficult when u re being led by the president on a regular basis, not just as a party but individually, to then and the president, who i don t believe has met with boehner or any of e rublican leadership, and now six months, har to compromi and work with someone who won t meet with you. who won t sit down and try to negotiatthings and try to talk. so i m not surprised at all that republicans are havg a fficult time with someone w has no interest he met with him. even the debt fight over the summer was a constant set o meetings. so thacan t be accurate. if you look at it. the lastime he s had meetings, i know it s been severalmonths. i know that prn, when i was there, and president reaga routinely met on a regular basis, with the oer side. and developedtionships. you know, this is about trust. you don t build trust by going upand running around the country, beating up on your opponent. he s
witnessed in my lifetime. this president goes out and gives speech after speech after speech tryg todivide america between class, between income group, between racial and ethnic oups. this is the great divider in chief. and it s very difficult when u re being led by the president on a regular basis, not just as a party but individually, to then and the president, who i don t believe has met with boehner or any of e rublican leadership, and now six months, har to compromi and work with someone who won t meet with you. who won t sit down and try to negotiatthings and try to talk. so i m not surprised at all that republicans are havg a fficult time with someone w has no interest he met with him. even the debt fight over the summer was a constant set o meetings. so thacan t be accurate. if you look at it. the lastime he s had meetings, i know it s been severalmonths. i know that prn, when i was there, and president reaga routinely met on a regular basis, with the oer side. and deve
witnessed in my lifetime. this president goes out and gives speech after speech after speech tryg todivide america between class, between income group, between racial and ethnic oups. this is the great divider in chief. and it s very difficult when u re being led by the president on a regular basis, not just as a party but individually, to then and the president, who i don t believe has met with boehner or any of e rublican leadership, and now six months, har to compromi and work with someone who won t meet with you. who won t sit down and try to negotiatthings and try to talk. so i m not surprised at all that republicans are havg a fficult time with someone w has no interest he met with him. even the debt fight over the summer was a constant set o meetings. so thacan t be accurate. if you look at it. the lastime he s had meetings, i know it s been severalmonths. i know that prn, when i was there, and president reaga routinely met on a regular basis, with the oer side. and deve
oups. this is the great divider in chief. and it s very difficult when u re being led by the president on a regular basis, not just as a party but individually, to then and the president, who i don t believe has met with boehner or any of e rublican leadership, and now six months, har to compromi and work with someone who won t meet with you. who won t sit down and try to negotiatthings and try to talk. so i m not surprised at all that republicans are havg a fficult time with someone w has no interest he met with him. even the debt fight over the summer was a constant set o meetings. so thacan t be accurate. if you look at it. the lastime he s had meetings, i know it s been severalmonths. i know that prn, when i was there, and president reaga routinely met on a regular basis, with the oer side. and developedtionships. you know, this is about trust. you don t build trust by going upand running around the country, beating up on your opponent. he s the preside of everybody in this