i just want to go back two minutes. two minutes ago, he was laying beside me and he was alive and now he s gone forever. inside this house, an armed intruder hunts for prey. i heard angie scream, oh my god, oh my god i could see blood running down his neck i nudged justin, he didn respond. your fiancée had just bee killed, but she s calm somehow she seemed very calm. but he was either a but bo front on the side, a lov triangle but on the dark highway, th case will take a dramatic turn there was my body, on edge. were you nervous? extremely nervous a mysterious driver carryin ominous cargo. how did he explain that at that time, you don t it suggests that there s conspiracy unraveling a mind bending plot reveals the shattering truth inhuman is the only word can think of, inhuman to d something like that. it was a moonless night i iowa, 4:00 in the morning. the quietest of quiet hours. a small town cop went down a empty highway, found for th
the red tub ended up being gold mine of evidence. like what they found ammunition, it ended up being consistent with the ammunition found at th crime scene. and remember that shoe bo they found near the car crash? it was a novato s brand shoe box and in david red tub, what do you know. in that red tub were thos shoes, size 11 it s almost like he was laying the trap for himself. absolutely. they set the wet laptop off to the computer lab hoping maybe, techs could fin something on it. and, surprise, surprise, the did. and off of that computer, w were able to find the work tha david had done to create a fak i. d. in andy s name that s the one he presented to the school teacher drew, he also created a fake and th email address, and stole tha oil service received fro
trump and kushner accounts. and one of those employees was tammy mcfadden. where s her case right now? well, she s fired from the bank. yeah. she has complained to a number of federal regulators about the situation. okay. and we ll see where that goes. all right. our thanks to david enrich of the new york times. fascinating new reporting there on the president s ties to deutsche bank. david, thank you for being here on a sunday. thank you. let s bring in kevin cerri cerrillo, chief washington correspondent of bloomberg. christine quinn, a former new york city council speaker. dana milbank, former columnist at the washington post. thank you. kevin, what do you make of this new reporting? house financial services chairman maxine waters, a democrat from california, kendis, is gaoing to have new stories to read over the next 24 hours. she s already investigating deutsche bank. pa there a host of different financial committees and subinvestigations ongoing in the
so this isn t this could be nothing, but americans should care because there s a whole lot of smoke. we can t confirm there s fire, but there s a whole lot of smoke, and also why is it always russia? you know, i these transactions as david was reporting involved money that was going to russia. why always russia? well, our president seems to have a deep love affair with putin and a desire to be connected and to the russians and make them happy. so, you know, when you see something when someone tells you you re a duck once, they re wrong. someone tells you twice. three times you re a fish? you should start quacking and start wad dling. that s what see in the russia situation. i want to pivot go another issue looming over the white house. republican congressman from michigan, justin amash, becoming the first member of the party to call for trump s impeachment. how concerning is this for the administration? i talked with several sources
transactions, they concluded based on what they had seen that these were potentially suspicious actions that should be reported to the federal government, a division that pursues financial crime. and the bank these reports go up through the chain of comman at the bank. bank managers took a look at what their employees found, what they recommended and they overruled the employees. they decided that, no, these reports, this information did not need to go to the government and that was basically the end of the matter. david, you mentioned in your reporting here at least some of them involved money that was flowing back and forth with overseas entities or individuals which bank employees considered suspicious. what could you possibly think is happening here? well, there s a little more detail, actually, that we can i can share with you which is that in the summer of 2016, one of the employees at the bank who reviewed transactions involving kushner companies, which is jared kushner