good evening and welcome t ayman tonight. manhattan d.a. alvin bragg sue plus taking apart trump frivolous lawsuit against th former employee. that and reproductive rights i the hands of the conservativ supreme court once again, an the outrageous anti abortion law just signed by ron desanti in florida also, the tennessee three back in action, state representativ justin pearson will discuss hi return to the state legislatur and gloria johnson will spea out on the she that threatened there political futures, gun control. i m ayman mohyeldin. let s get started. here s one thing that learning about manhattan district attorney alvin bragg he is a fighter. this week, in an extraordinary and aggressive move, bragg sue congressman jim jordan, asking a court to block parts of th republican-led house judiciary committee s inquiry into his investigation. the 50-page suit accuses jim jordan of a quote unprecedente brazen and unconstitutiona attack slams his request as lacking the, quo
of the citizens council of america published this political cartoon. it shows a teacher angrily pointing at a student will reading from a text book titled, a child s guide to integration and the background, you can se a flyer for an naacp rally and a chalkboard that equals tha reads two plus two equals si and y equals black citizens council or commonly referred to as the white citizens council formed in 196 desegregation of publi schools. the group believed the federal government s influence on thei children s education was a gross overreach, arguing tha disagreeing schools pose a threat to their rights a parents and their religious an cultural values. the article accompanying tha cartoon blasted quote, progressive educators, four in doctoring children with fals ideas about race it has been more than si decades since that cartoon was