look at an old lead. he just said it s a match a person no one would hav ever suspected of murder we were going to end this was suddenly suspect number one. perfect murder. almost hello welcome to dateline . she was a new bride marrie just three months, then she wa found murdered what happened to her remained mystery for decades partly because police told us the thief must have killed her during a break-in gone bad they discovered it wasn t murder, but a suspect whos trail right to their own front door here is josh mankiewicz with the smoking gun. february 1st, 2009. the detective arrived before dawn at the los angeles police department s van nuys station. i was tired i was tired. he had hosted a super bow party the night before and the beer had flowed freely that seemed to be a good da to have a cup of coffee an caught up on my reading. a couple of aspirin maybe he reached for a file sitting on his desk for months the file of sherri rasmu
the crime lab in l.a. fo analysis and 72 hours later, came an answer she was not the donor of th dna profile from the bite. that left just one possible suspect, number five on th list, john ruetten s ex-girlfriend, stephanie lazarus. nuttall called th rasmussens we came home and there was message on our phone from detective that they wanted t talk to us. i thought oh, yeah right. i thought it was just another false hope this is detective nuttall right he said that they wer opening the investigation. nels was upset with me. i was like, detective, where hav you been for the last tw decades. now nels rasmussen explaine it all. how he told detectives back in 1986 that someone wa stalking his daughter, sherri. a woman with crazy eyes. the ex-girlfriend of sherri husband. nels had never know