he stayed with me sunday when they went down to hi place. but then, she said, the night got strange. out of the blue, erik said h wanted to smoke some pot it s like, hey, you know what she told him, sh wasn t interested. she agreed to ride with ara and social he could buy we did a nearby apartment complex i don t know what happened, he s never done anything lik that around me they drove to this building in almost immediately a po dealer dumped into the backseat it was real quick, the ligh was on, the whole deal and the guy got out. all this happened before the lie could even go out of the car. if you re doing this turn th light out, somebody might se me, i work at nih, i don t wan to be identified with someon like this. he was bald and he had a, he had my color, skinny guy scruffy beard. i didn t see his face straight on, i wasn t trying to look at him directly i m not trying to look like want to know who you are after driving back to their building eric and katrina