morning at a am. it s the first juneteenth federal holiday. i ll be sharing a fascinating and fruitful conversation that i had this week, with two families from a mississippi high school. were an error in calculating top academic honors brought its legacy of segregation to the surface. plus, i ll be joined by james clyburn and senator mazie hirono. the 11th hour with brian williams begins right now. th brian good evening. this was day 1:50 of the biden administration today. the eye white house warns of the covid-19 new delta variant now takes hold across the globe and starting to arrive here at home. several vaccination efforts have been going full speed. 300 million shots have been interim make no mistake that is nothing short of a remarkable public health achievement. but over the past several weeks,
do you consider trump supporters to be ignorant hillbillies? not at all. brian: he just wrote it. steve: it represents the great state of virginia. now, here s the thing. while the grilling was mainly on the republican side. the other side, the democrats at one point actually applauded mr. strzok and another by the name of steve cohen, a democrat from tennessee said this, which has angered so many vets. mr. strzok, i don t know where to start. if i could give you a purple heart, i would. you deserve one. this has been an attack on you in a way to attack mr. mueller and the investigation that is to get at russia collusion involved in our election. steve: he deserves a purple heart. what do you think about that? i heard from one vet who said, look, you don t earn one for testifying. you earn one for being badly injured while serving your
steve: all right. looks like the blimp is hard holding a smart phone to tweet. nigel, thank you very much. from the other side of the atlantic. brian: he did it because is he a terrible mayor and the president talked about that in that interview. meanwhile straight ahead want a tax break, join a gym. sounds too big to be true in the big news that could put more money in your wallet. ainsley: twitter is fighting back against fake accounts. why should you care? that s coming up next. brian: i lost 4,000 followers. ainsley: did you really? i haven t even check. i don t know how many i had. you shouldn t be rushed into booking a hotel. with expedia s add-on advantage, booking a flight unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip.
yeah. the favorite to succeed her is boris. you know, and boris did and okay it took a long time, but when it came down to the line, boris did back brexit. brian: nigel, a couple of things. it seems behind the scenes the president did back the president behind closed doors at the nato summit. they do seem to be building a personal bond. what was it like when this story broke, do you think, during dinner yesterday? i just can t imagine it. i mean, the scene, you know, the palace, the birthplace of winston churchill. we had the big military bands on parade. the weather was beautiful. theresa may was in her evening dress. met the president and i can t imagine as coffee was served somebody whispering in theresa may s ear prime minister there is something you ought to know it must have been a very awkward moment. steve: i don t think you want to read the paper in the morning. i would love to be a fly on the wall right now at the prime minister s country
is he improving people s lives. all of that reality, the substance, that is going on. they don t care about that. they are just trying to show we are good people. we hate president trump. it s as simple as that i don t think it s going to effect anything in the real world. it s just as kevin was saying, nice day out for people who want to show that they hate trump. brian: are you embarrassed a little for your country that does not protest when dictators from turkey show up who jail people in the press for writing bad stories and jail their political opponents in the guy had to run his campaign from jail. erdogan shows up. no one used any spray paint or put on any anti-erdogan shirts. yes. it is absolutely a disgrace. it s not just with erdogan in turkey you see it, too, with an even worse dictator. examine the xi jinping of china who is probably the biggest abuser of human rights and biggest threat to freedom and threat to democracy in the world.