fort y and nowtw with theo, expiratie title forty to the cuban policyf returning a sigh l ofem returning asylum s seekerse to mexico set to expirers to mexico will expire. hundreds o, f hundreds of thousandsth more aru expected to flood these bankssae expected t. o floo d thasylum seekers like elvis nd only touch american soile banks. asylum seekers like elvis only needs to touch america. n toil .elvis before hes up the riverbank, steps over the razor wiree can gather his bearings her and before he can gather hise th bearings, the texas national guarde texasl guard are waiting for hi is waiting for himm to as patiey as an uber driver to shuttleshuttle him to his n. him to his new life. > tucker: so you have t soo wof wh one doney s no with charlie leduffhas nob donee has done lik juste he did? j uswhy haven t wet di seend. this before? charlie never spent 30 years in journalism. is thehe is host of the no newb a long time. s ne ws he s now host of hour the new abc news hour. he join
at everything. they might have shut down some ave set off some of the devices. but that will help them try an late who was around, that plus the media +gzeoutlets and secu xaround. one1ñ of those tv crews likely w someone around here. z that s kñ to be see key. they recçqj defining promis what they re able to learn. that s right. some of what you were saying is correct. hearing that it was%3uh a crude device, not ñfráur(páed, but ball bearings were being picked out some of the;[3ó wounds. we see the commissioner talk to us, the injuries range from cuts to amputations. again, some of that could be used as potential evidence when they pickuó outñ ig some of th bearings, some of the other