The Hamblen County School Board voted to submit a resolution to the state to allow the district to have the ability to retain third and fourth graders at its meeting
pressures that are coming not from the marketplace but from textbook adoption committees, particularly in california and texas. those are the places where these various pressure groups focus their attention. every group wants to impose its will on textbooks. trying to brain wash or propagandize children in the hopes thinking they will grow up thinking about things the way you want them to think about things. so if you are a left-wing maxist group, you want them to grow up thinking that america is an oppressive capitalist plot to undo the working class. if you are a conservative group, you want kids to grow up thinking that america is a perfect place where everybody should enthusiastically wave the flag. and publishers began reacting to all these precious by censoring whatever was submitted to them.
they respond to commercial pressures that are coming not from the marketplace but from textbook adoption committees. particularly, in california and texas, and those are the places where the various pressure groups focus their attention. every group wants to impose its will on textbooks. trying to brain wash our propagandize children in hopes they ll grow up thinking about the things the way you want them to think about things and if you are a left wing group you want them to grow up thinking america is an oppressive capitalist plot to undo the working class, if you are a conservative group you wanted kids to grow up thinking that america is a perfect place, where everybody should enthusiastically wave the flag. publishers began reacting to all of these pressures. by sensoring whatever is
here is his emailed response to fox news. quote: that new edition is expected to cost $77.81. the question remains, how are these mistakes making their way into textbooks? they are selling them on the basis of how they look and, in a way, they look good. they have colored pictures all over them. they have boxes all over the place. reading programs are 50 to 80-million-dollar investments. so, we certainly want to get it the way the customer wants it. unfortunately, the customer isn t the teacher. in 30 open territory states, publishers sale textbooks to individual school districts. another 20 states from what s called textbook adoption where the board of education chooses textbooks for the entire state. they respond to commercial pressures that are coming not from the marketplace but from textbook adoption committees,