The Northeast Texas Livestock Association will be hosting this year’s Hopkins County Junior Market Livestock Show & Sale February 22-24 at Hopkins County Civic Center Rodeo Arena in Sulphur Springs. Students from almost every school in the county will be exhibiting their projects, which include
The Hopkins County Junior Market Livestock Show and Sale officially gets underway tomorrow at the Hopkins County Civic Center Arena. Lamb and Goa weights are due between 2 and 3pm. The Lamb show and showmanship will begin at 4pm, to followed immediately by the goat show and showmanship. Friday, ac
2018 Junior Market Livestock Show and Sale
The Northeast Texas Livestock Association is hosting its annual Junior Market Livestock Show and Sale of Champions February 23–25 at the rodeo arena of the Hopkins County Civic Center. FFA and 4-H students from around the county have been raising chickens,