twist in the texas democrats go to washington story. one of the people the texas democrats went to washington to speak to has now gone to texas. one of the most important meetings that the texas democrats have had, if not the most important meeting, was with democratic senator joe manchin yesterday. one of the democrats was in the room with manchin. she will join us in a moment. texas democrats made their case to joe manchin about federal voting rights legislation to protect voting rights which they say texas republicans are trying to restrict. today, the day after his meeting with the texas democrats, senator joe manchin reportedly went to texas, and went there for a fundraiser for himself. and at that fundraiser, many of the contributors are republican political contributors to donald
heart senate office building and it s been a fascinating week with the texas democrats and just with the very high level of integrity that voting rights has in washington this week. as it should be. have a great show. we will see you soon. viewer note. what was happening at the beginning of the show, i was trying to deal with my allergy eyes, and that kleenex that quickly disappeared from your screen. tonight we have a strange twist in the texas democrats go to washington story. one of the people that texas democrats went to washington to speak to, has now gone to texas. one of the most important meetings that the texas democrats have had, if not the most important meeting, was with democratic senator joe manchin, yesterday. one of the texas democrats who was in the room with senator manchin, texas state senator