going to design a test, they had access to the virus samples, so they would design a test. that would manufacture it as small scale and deploy to it the public health labs. there is 100 public health labs in this country, each capable of doing about 100 tests a day. that s 10,000 tests a day. that s nowhere what was needed. we needed to get the commercial manufacturers engaged from the outset. someone from early january inside the administration needed to say we need more testing and needed to get the large scale manufacturers in the game. cdc was not going to be able to fill the testing void. this is a question that doesn t directly bear on your considerable expertise in a variety of areas, but i m going to ask it. we re approaching 700,000 americans that we ve lost to this thing. we re losing 2,000 human lives a day. are you surprised that it hasn t done more to shake up our politics, that it hasn t done more to overcome some of the vaccine resistance and hesitancy we ve seen and s
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