it ill lumnates out into the yard? i wouldn t say out into the yard, it definitely illuminates that patio area. the concrete slab, correct? yeah. okay. you mentioned an interview you gave to serino, and that was on february 26th i m sorry, can you identify the document? .
pound in the better description to serino, is that correct? i believe that s better described, yes. okay. so you elaborated a little bit more from the first, correct? yes. you elaborated a little more in the deposition, too, correct? i clarified. you had to clarify certain things, would that be accurate? yes, sir. what was it that you had to clarify things that you said? to give a better visual. okay. now r now, i need to have a moment, your honor. . i apologize. i m going to ask you a few questions. then we ll come back to that, if we could. the porch light, just to clarify, it s not on the ceiling, it s outside, it s attached to the wall, it s high up. it s at the caddie corner in the ceiling of the wall.
it? yes. . this judge, debra nelson, all business she s been angry with speaking objectionings. she wants it formally. this was detective serino, right? right. you used the word mma. do you recall? yes. do you believe you used the word ground and pound? . i believe so. i did say getting hit on the ground, which is the equivalent of ground and pound. could it have been serino used the words ground and pound? it could have been. okay. thank you. but you as best you could in elaborating what you believe was going on there, you used language based on mma which you had seen on tv and stuff like that. to give a better description. is that correct? correct. to describe the straddling
there. ye yes. i don t know if that s what s going on. i don t know if it s impeachment or recollection. okay. i ll withdraw it then until we see where it goes. . i say ground, getting hit. okay. but you will agree in that interview with the first officer, you did not use the words ground and pound ? . it wasn t an interview, it was a written statement. i apologize. so by the time i gaich gaiv gavepy testimony to serino, i might have thought that s what it looked like to give a better description. yes, sir. and you believed that you used the words ground and