new york and comey briefed the president-elect on the allegation he was in a hotel room in moscow with prostitutes. they relied on the dossier to an extraordinary amount. laura: every time i go back and review what happened over the last couple of years from hillary today, it s stunning. that dossier unverified, being used as the chief component in this fisa application. you are a federal district court judge. if you found out the crux of an application to you for surveillance on an american citizen was not verified and funded by the direct political opponent of the subject of the investigation, that s amazing. i would be up the wall about it. i think their claim that they told the judge by slipping a clever little foot note in about the origin, i don t think that
he s lead fbi investigator who led the clinton email probe. whose text to his girlfriend lisa page included this. ju he could not remember anything about the british spy christopher steele passing the dossier along to justice department official bruce ohr. it was ohr who forwarded it to the fbi sparking the surveillance of trump campaign figures. remember carter page? the few details that comey had clarity on raise important questions. he told congress that the details of the steele dossier were unverified when they were used by the fbi to secure surveillance warrants of trump
survives scrutiny. it seems unusual that although jim comey described that dossier as unverified, the submission he signed is mark a verified subcommission to the fisa court. a verified, unverified subcommission? laura: we were laughing. this is going back to the old legal days. this is taking us all back. you read it. what jumped out at you the most from comey on friday? a couple of things. first his constant inability to understand the questions when the republicans were asking them and his expansive orations when the democrats asked him questions or his succinct, yes,
with it. the entire purpose of this investigation [inaudible]. there is no evidence of bias in the fbi or any of this other nonsense they are talking about. laura: well, this other nonsense speaks to the credibility of the mueller probe and calls it into question. isn t he curious about the dossier? what role did memory challenged comey play in all of this. the department of justice general questioned comey s memory about the russian probe and investigating that comey leaked his own memo to the file after his conversation with the president. he sent it to his front at the new york times.
was not verified which it was submitted as evidence. his admission of that validates what several congressional committees have been looking at including nunes and grassley. i think the ig has an important statement to put in his report next year when he looks at the fisa abuses. laura: andy, comey has spoken out since his testimony. he gave a big q and a last night in new york. he was asked about the question of impeachment. let s watch. i can t see what the end of the mueller effort looks like. i don t know what form it will take. i don t know what they will conclude. i can t say in that respect. i can tell you that all of us should use every breath we have to make sure that the lying stops on january 20th, 2021.