to ask. let s get after it. the law is clear here. she s in a world of trouble. justice department is making good on president trump s pledge to crack down on leakers. she has broken laws and she has to suffer the consequences for that. president trump will not block fired fbi director james comey from testify prfg we re going to find out what comey was thinking he thought had risen to that level of obstruction. it troubles me so much to see the type of tweets the president has put out. the job of national security based on social media statements is irresponsible. i don t think the president cares what you call it. whether you call it a ban, a restriction. the president of the usa in circumstances where his policies go against everything we stand for. this is new day with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. good morning. we begin with new day and the first arrest in president trump s crackdown on leakers.