trump to the american people in the way you think it s urgent that he be explained. and how does that take place? is that the number one priority great question. howard had a great question, how do you interpret and get people to think about what trump, the consequences of what sounds right from trump? i think by putting them out there. and you have to characterize them and recharacterize them and make people think, they might as first say yeah, we don t want terrorists on the internet, but what is the implication of that, shutting down the internet, the implication is, we will no longer allow speech on the internet, you can t shut down certain parts of speech and part of the first amendment frankly for those of us who live in the country, is that sometimes we will have objectionalable things you have to hear. thank you for coming over. casey, this time it s dr. ben carson. chris, nice to see you, we re standing here with dr. ben carson who s currently talking
trump more aggressively in public as some people are privately saying has happened. thanks, casey hunt who was with donald trump, of course. what do you make of this politics where cruz makes snide comments about trump in a fu fundraising group, then says i m not repeating that in public. the most important exchange was when i made sure that voters knew that in order to close the internet, you would have to get rid of something, this little troublesome thing called the first amendment to the constitution. and so people need to realize how outlandish the things that he is saying, what they would amount to. when he says oh we re going to kill the families of terrorists. he s talking about just i don t know, there are four-year-old kids or something. that would go against the geneva convention and against most american s sensibilities to kill women and children. and people need to understand that. donald trump s what he s proposing why do you think three out of five republicans sa
ted cruz is really an outsider. that he s really a force from the outside. because ted cruz is backed by big wall street money. his wife works at goldman sachs. he s a senator of the united states, even though he doesn t want to admit it half the time. he worked at a big wall street law firm. he s a debater, not a builder as you said. it s going to come down to that at some point. trump is going to have to take on cruz. he may not do it full bore in iowa, but if cruz wins iowa, then it s you talk about making the sand glow. that s what donald trump is going to do heading into new hampshire. because trump absolutely has to win new hampshire. he absolutely has to win in new hampshire. that s a guy who still feels he hasn t put the pedal to the metal at all.
being able to gain any kind of traction. i wanted to mention one other thing about trump and his demeanor that robert was talking about. it s not just the demeanor many io iowa the other thing they like in iowa is iowa is not a military state. there isn t a single big military installation in iowa. even among republicans, it s a very popular thing to say, no regime change, let s be careful about what we re going to do. and that s one reason why cruz has done well and one reason why donald trump still has a fighting chance in that state. let me go to steve. steve, you ve counselled or consulted with candidates a lot. i just think that let s put it this way. jeb bush is not a one liner guy. when kwlou give him these one liner, they just don t seem to fit him. he s diffident, he s professorial. they don t look like him.
what s happened to your party? you ve run a number of times in iowa, iowa s an interesting place. it s a very interesting place. steve king, people like that there, anyway, tonight, we re looking at numbers in your party that show trump over 40, jeb bush, the heir to the throne, if you will, at 3. what happened? well look db. you re in there somewhere, but 3 for the jeb. it s almost like this year, the experience you had will be used against you. on the stage where i was on, there were four of us, combined, we had more government experience and actually that s my question. we many h more than the nine people on the second stage. you had trump with no government experience fighting with two young congressmen who have five years between them. where s the experience? we have to start reminding people that you would never put your grandkids on an airplane pilot bade volunteer who had never been in a cockpit. the presidency is not an entry