up. lo and behold, they all not only passed but they were with at the top. reporter: that prompted the state to take a closer look at the test forms. eraser marks raised red flags. the state sanctioned 13 educators. there were suspensions from 90 days to two years. reporter: amongst those suspended were the principal and assistant principal attagerton elementary school who admitted to wrongdoing. they admitted physically taking these three tests, going into a room and locking themselves in and someone erase and someone called out the answers. in october 2009 we published our second analysis. that analysis found 19 elementary schools statewide, including a dozen in atlanta, that had unusual gains or drops. and that included schools that had such a gain that our odds put that at worst than 1 in a billion. 1 in a billion. 1 fwh in a billion with a b . reporter: improbable odds that only raised more questions,
test scores can also trigger bonuses. it can go $50 to a bus driver, depending on if you meet 100% of the target, it could be $2,000 for a teacher. every single employee of a school benefits when the scores go up? yes. reporter: christina torres has covered education for the last seven years. in 2008 the ajc analyze the test results for students who needed to retake the test and noticed something didn t add up. lo and behold they all not only passed they were all at the top. every one? every one. reporter: that promptmented the state to take a closer look at the test forms. eraser marks raised red flags. there s an average of how many times a stount is and suburban atlanta who admitted to wrong doing.