UPSC CDS(I) Exam 2024: The Union Public Service Commission(UPSC) has started the registration process for the Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2024.
in your native language the suspect could get a free pass. critics also say this gives non-english speaking suspects more time before they have to take the breathalyzer because they have to go down to the station. that could lower their blood/alcohol level. we could also point out that the driver s test booklets come in a variety of languages and they all state that they cannot drive drunk. the signs by the way all over the country are written in english. you get to a stop sign, it s big and red and says stop, that is kind of universal. what about do not enter? how do you make out do not enter? what if you don t make it out. megyn: you re telling me now that new jersey police officers will have to learn will you take a breathalyzer in basically every language there is if they are to affect any kind of breathalyzer test in that state. reporter: yes, and if they don t recognize the language you speak they take you down to the station and if they don t have a translation of it that s wh