Mark Prins’ new novel, The Latinist, offers an original variation on the well-worn Jamesian theme of the American girl adrift in European waters alive with crafty seducers.
In this retelling of the myth of Apollo and Daphne, author Mark Prins has written an engrossing psychological thriller. "The Latinist" by Mark Prins; W.W. Norton (352 pages, $26.95) ———
In this retelling of the myth of Apollo and Daphne, author Mark Prins has written an engrossing psychological thriller. "The Latinist" by Mark Prins; W.W. Norton (352 pages, $26.95) ———
In this retelling of the myth of Apollo and Daphne, author Mark Prins has written an engrossing psychological thriller. "The Latinist" by Mark Prins; W.W. Norton (352 pages, $26.95) ———