Tesla CEO Elon Musk has been relitigating his dubious claims that the Cybertruck will not only be able to float — perhaps technically true in some very narrow sense of the word — but double as a functional boat. Before it can fully live up to its boating potential, though, Cybertruck owners will have to […]
Despite knowing about chronic "flaws" and "failures" for many years, Tesla repeatedly blamed drivers for glaring defects like collapsed suspensions and breaking axles. In some instances, wheels literally started flying off at highway speeds. As Reuters reports, tens of thousands of Tesla owners have had the suspension or steering of their vehicles — even […]
Road rage can involve just one party fueling the situation, but like in this example of a diesel Ford truck and Tesla owners going at it, usually both parties are at fault. When this footage originally hit the internet, most people made their decision on who was “right” based on which vehicle or owner group they like the most. But we’ll just be honest and say both the truck and Tesla drivers acted like idiots, escalating the situation and providing great examples of what not to do. Learn about t