been written by terry s-c-h schiavo. you used to have a license plate that said choose life. any regrets no, we were the first state to have a choose life license plate that helped with crisis pregnancy centers around the country, around the state. and i m pro-life. i also believe that the most vulnerable in our society need to be protected. and in this case here was a woman who was vulnerable and the court because of our laws didn t allow her they were going to allow her to be starved to death. so we passed a law, terri s law that was a year later ruled unconstitutional. i stayed within the law, but i acted on my core belief that the most vulnerable in our society should be at the front of the line. they should receive our love and protection. and that s exactly what i did. where you stand today. okay. there was an indication in an article today, gay marriage, are you changing your position at all? no, i believe in traditional marriage. there are numerous reports that you