people that are democrats in america. we are pretty evenly divided. we are about 35% independents now, 33% republican, 33% democrat. did he learn that at beck u? nice try, glenn. if you weren t trying to get to that 100%, your math is pretty bad. 35 plus 33 plus 33 is 101. better luck next time, big guy. new jersey governor chris christie was stumping for terry bran stead in iowa last night but he managed to make it all about him, touting his tough talk and telling the crowd, it s put up or shut up time. he also praised president reagan, but don t worry, he said he is not about to follow in the gipper s footsteps. i m governor of new jersey, i m not going to run for national office. tough want it more than anyone else in the world. i don t. and you have to be ready for it and i m not. you know what, that s the best
doesn t matter. i mean it is not like there is less people or you know less people that are democrats in america. we are pretty evenly divided. we are about 35% independents now, 33% republican, 33% democrat. did he learn that at beck u? nice try, glenn. if you weren t trying to get to that 100%, your math is pretty bad. 35 plus 33 plus 33 is 101. better luck next time, big guy. new jersey governor chris christie was stumping for terry bran stead in iowa last night but he managed to make it all about him, touting his tough talk and telling the crowd, it s put up or shut up time. he also praised president reagan, but don t worry, he said he is not about to follow in the gipper s footsteps. i m governor of new jersey, i m not going to run for national office. tough want it more than anyone else in the world.